The Ice Storm (photos from the Northern Adirondacks)

Made it through the night. There was thunder. That's a first for sure (December thunder in the Adirondacks). The good news: THE DOG VENTURED OUTSIDE THIS MORNING. The bad news is that ice in the Northern Adirondacks continues to accumulate.

Cabin deck

1 inch glaze of ice/sleet

No Amazon deliveries today

Birches bowing under weight of ice


The driveway. We will not be going anywhere.






Finger ice standoff

Tollman Mountain and Signal Peak, obscured by freezing rain

We are faring well up here, with fresh ground Stumptown brewing in the Moccamaster. If you're up for a cup of good joe, come on over. BECAUSE CLEARLY, I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE. I also have some Bulleit Rye (highly recommended). One note: say a prayer that the wind doesn't start to blow. That, my friends, would be a disaster.

Stay safe. Be well. Gather with family. Happy Holidays.